Git,Git Flow,GitLab使用指南

高效利用一次蹲坑时间,看看如何使用Git Flow进行高效开发,什么才是Git提交的正确姿势,怎样使用GitLab进行Code Review:

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MySQL协议.NET Core实现(一)

一个有技术追求的研发团对,无论使用什么框架、什么工具、什么语言,团队里应该有人有能力把控所使用框架、工具、语言的每一个核心功能的实现细节。团队里的每个成员应该根据自身所长挑选其中一块做深入研究,并把研究成果分享给团队,力争使整个所处团队实力得到提升,达到同行业内顶尖水平。为了实现这个目标,不允许在团队中出现黑盒子,对.NET生态而言,我们需要打开MSBuild, Rosyln, CoreCLR等黑盒子。作为团队的一员,我将花一些业余时间打开.NET MySQL驱动黑盒子,使用.NET Core实现MySQL Client/Server Protocol,并把打开这个黑盒子的过程通过本站点记录下来。

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How to set IIS hosting environment in ASP.NET Core

When running ASP.NET Core apps, the WebHostBuilder will automatically attempt to determine which environment it is running in. By convention, this will be one of Development, Staging or Production, but you can set it to any string value you like.

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An API documentation toolchain for ASP.NET Core.

There are many API document generate tools, like swagger, but when ASP.NET Core release v1.0, the swagger hard to use, so team develop a API documentation toolchain for ASP.NET Core. This toolchain provides three different UI, the UI will more details in following section.

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Set Derived Class Properties From Base Class

Today, I found some codes was written a year ago, that’s written for my own ORM implementations. The surprising feature is set derived class properties from base class, this feature always be used by some software architect. The simplify code (demo) as following:

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I'm a developer, I use C/C++, Java, C# and Swift, but I also embrace all the new stuff.

I'm working at Tencent. My family live in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. Maybe the difference with other programmers is I already married, and have a lovely daughter. (^<>^)

A man like me, is unique in the world of existence, no matter where you go, there belonging to my stage. Like desert gold, light can not hide forever! Especially my messy hair, melancholy eyes, sigh of stubble, handsome face, are deeply addicted whom even I.